Road To 21K

by: Joei & Michelle

My First 11K.

By March 30, 2016 , , , , , , , , ,

I'm not much of a runner. Frankly, I don't like running. Maybe because it used to be our 'punishment' back in the day when I was still part of a volleyball varsity team. It might also be because running doesn't have scores or wins.. Or so I thought. Apparently, you can set running goals based on your time, distance, and pace. Like I said, I'm not much of a runner so I have no idea about these things. 

The last time I ran was around 5 to 6 years ago and then came the fun run in the Senate last month where I surprisingly placed 2nd. But of course, I had no training beforehand so I owe all of that to Senator Pia whose pace I tried to follow.

And because of that milestone in my running life, I agreed to be Michelle's buddy for the Nike Philippines half marathon in May. I'm trying to train for it because this is the kind of thing which I know I just can't 'wing'. Granting I only have a month left, which is not enough time to do a good couch to 21K program, my goal is to keep up with Michelle and finish the race without any injuries. 

So last Sunday, despite being sick, I tried to run a 5K but at the 2.5 kilometer mark, my cough started to get worse. I only got to finish 3K and I was really disappointed with myself.

Yesterday, I had a fever and a really bad cough so I slept the whole day. But come evening time, I pushed myself to get out of bed and change into my running gear. What I did was to start slow for the first 2 kilometers. An easy run so I won't get pressured. After that, I felt the momentum building so I ran faster but only for a few minutes. I slowed myself down for a few minutes before running fast again. In runner speak, this is called a fartlek. I did this for as long as I could and before I knew it, I finished my first 11K!  Now I just have to work on my pace and time. Baby steps. 

Moral of the story: 

1. Anybody can run! Like I said, I'm really not much of a runner and the last time I ran (or even jogged) was eons ago.  But with the right pace, you can achieve your running goal.

2. We will all have bad days and good days. What's important is that you get over the not-so-good running day and move on.

3. Listen to your body.  I'm sick so my immune system is still weak. I already pushed myself yesterday so I'll let myself rest today.

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