Road To 21K

by: Joei & Michelle

My First 16K.

By May 04, 2016 , , , , , , ,

I enjoy writing posts for 'Road To 21K', despite having almost no time due to campaign work and my other blog Joei & Me, because I get to track and see how I'm progressing so far.. This blog has become my online running and fitness diary! Not too long ago, I told you about my first 11K run. Last Monday, I was able to do 16.5K.

Unfortunately, I got sick that week so I wasn't able to run at all.  I'm actually still sick now but I haven't been putting in miles as all of my runner friends are telling me to do so I tried to run earlier.  It was a bad run. I started early but I was coughing almost the whole time plus I had to deal with a runny nose.  I was only able to run 10K at a very slow pace.  But it's ok.  I'll try again when my nose is clear and my cough is gone.  Hopefully by Friday!

I also want to tell you about the new pair of running shoes I got called the Nike Air Zoom Odyssey but I want to use it more so I can assess it properly. Maybe next week or after the half marathon. 

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